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day11 wheelchair traffic Glasgow


So I decided to run the whole marathon within Glasgow itself. It all makes obvious sense. Having had a previous night of trying to treat my injuries the R.I.C.E way I left, sadly, no better. As I write this blog I’m laying in an ice bath. It’s all unpleasant.
So…. After 4 – 5 hours of running in and around in Glasgow breathing in a life-time’s worth of toxic fumes and my right leg deteriorating from the first step, I am given a chance to see a physio.


Now I obviously wish to get as much P.R. and money donated as possible but I grimly and very depressingly realise that I have to go and seek what help I can.
So I am given an emergency complimentary treatment by a fantastic chap and physio called Andy Devine from Achilles Heel. The outcome. Well. Not great and would bore most to hear about the cause/outcomes etc etc.


Day11 achilles heel higher res


R.I.C.E MORE R.I.C.E and so on..
So I sit in this ice bath and feel more numb and paradoxically equally pained in my soul than I’ve ever felt before.
I feel the day has a damn failure!
Enough whining on.. glad to see the back of this day..
The fantastic glimmer of pure joy to me today comes from the family and friends of the little trooper called Seb (who is the lad on the B.B.C video on my homepage) who have given a huge donation to this fundraising challenge.  Barbara and family, words cannot convey in any way my deepest gratitude.  Thank you thank you so very much!
Tomorrow looms and I must try and revive.


The injuries that I got  on day 2 have in various ways..( i.e I can’t stretch my quads) had knock-on effects and are starting to cause problems further up my leg. Heading towards Edinburgh tomorrow, I can and I will.