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Day17 gavin smile border
Just 5mins more!

Just 4mins more!

And so the cycle blissfully continues for an unseen time.

The White clouds of never ending comfort that caress and hug my very soul, gently layer upon layer, sooth and dissolve all torment whilst I lay fetal like in state. From mere physicality to unknown spiritual depths I am cradled and cocooned, unborn and untouched.

F@☆♡□¤○ AND B♡♤♧☆□♡♤ echo around the room!!
Please I beg you!!! I need!!! I must have more rest! Please let me go back to my duvet of white clouds! I beg you!!

Just 1min more!

I get up with fury at the barrage of insults that are already taking delight at my torment. All manner of stumbling, swearing and mayhem occur in my grizzled wake. I recoil more than ever at the neolithic site that looms into site in the mirror.
As I consort with God on the Great White throne I make various promises to him to hopefully bargain and bag a good day today.
I positively and cheerfully make an inquisitive peek through the curtains. I am sure my ole mate ‘God’ was just listening!!!
“F●■○♡♧■{[}☆” I whimper, ‘He is obviously out and NOT bloody listening!’
The gloom lays heavy like Lucifer’s own blanket and the screaming rain batters and strips the life out of all hope and glory for the coming day.

I fill tummy! I apply potions lotions. I stretch. Cast spells and make deals with the gods etc etc. 
day17 start 

Departure is like being met with a Claymore mine. It cuts through me to the core.

I pass into England. I get a congratulatory ‘Selfie’. No fanfare. No tap on the back.
day17 border banner 

I meet for a brief moment at the sad and very lonely remnants of Carlisle Castle. I can sense the history here and I regret that I do not stay to really soak up its signals.  day17 gunday17 gun plaque 
  I’m already feeling hypothermic and exhausted and move on. 

day17 carlisle castle 
I escape the suburbs and batten down the hatches and lumber on.. and.. Well…..
Read yesterday’s blog and cycle of ‘fun’.
I look forward to getting closer to the Lakes.

I eventually arrive into Penrith.

Would someone please cut off my legs and replace them!

Oooohhhhhh where for art thou my White clouds of comfort and joy!?!?